한인 행사안내 / 소식

Models Needed

2022-10-10 14:54

The Korean Consulate in Seattle is looking for volunteers for Hanbok Models!!

The Korean traditional dress ‘Hanbok’ Fashion Show is going to be held by the Korean Consulate in Seattle at The Museum of Flight (9404 E Marginal Way S, Seattle, WA 98108) at 7pm on Friday, Oct 28th, 2022, and University of Washington (Kane Hall 4069 Spokane LN, Seattle, WA 98105) at 4:30pm on Saturday, Oct 29th,2022.

Hanbok is the traditional dress of Korea and in this show, we will present various hanboks from those of the King and Queen in the Chosun dynasty to modernized hanbok. Please join us in this remarkable fashion show with one of the best hanbok designers and traditional music performers from Korea!

We expect models to be present around 11am to receive Hair and Makeup services, try on clothing (Hanbok will be provided) and do a rehearsal before the event starts.
*meals/ transportation provided

Our models represent a wide range of ages, and cultural backgrounds, all drawn together by a common love for Korean culture or having amazing experiences, making new friends in the process of devoting time to a community through this activity. Requirements of modeling is below:

[Model Measurements]

- Female models
Height:165cm or more
Bust size: Less than 93cm

- Male models
Height: 175cm or more
Bust Size: 100cm~110cm

If this sounds interesting to you and thinks you’d be a great candidate, please email us at uw.ksu1997@gmail.com by Friday, Oct 21th,2022. In the email, please include your information as follows: 1) Full Name 2) Height 3) Bust Size 4) Contact number 5) One bust shot and one full body shot the image.
전체 0

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