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본문에 사진을 삽입하려면 버튼을 눌러주세요.
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노후대책 미리부터 준비하자.

2017-06-21 02:42

Slide 1 of 11: With so many Americans lagging behind on retirement savings, it's high time workers had a blueprint for retirement that, if followed, will lead to a golden time in one's golden years. There's a good reason why. According to a recent study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, only 18% of Americans are very confident they'll have the income needed for a comfortable retirement. Let's stop that negative sentiment with this blueprint, including ten specific financial steps to take to guarantee a great retirement - as long as you stick to the plan.


노후 대책은 누구에게나 한번 쯤은 찾아오는 걱정거리다. 최근 조사 결과에 따르면 미국인들의 단 18 퍼센트 정도가 노후 대책에 준비가 되어있다고 답한 것으로 나타나 문제가 꽤 심각한 상태라는 것을 보여주고 있다.

그렇다면 오늘 부터 노후 대책을 차근차근하게 세워 보자!


Slide 2 of 11: You may think of your company as a printing press, but it's not -- it has many employees just like you, all angling for the same thing. With that in mind, keeping expectations in-check is the way to go. "You may have asked for a dollar amount or percentage increase that was far above the company norm," Laura MacLeod, creator of From The Inside Out Project, told Glassdoor. "If so, your boss may feel you are totally out of touch with what you are worth and the company's budget."


먼저 노후에 얼마가 필요할 먼저 계산해 본다.

저축을 시작하는 사람들에게 가장 중요한 것은 목표금액을 설정해 놓는 것이다. 현재 기준으로 64세에서 74세 노인들이 생존하기 위해 필요한 금액은 연간 총$44,680 으로 나타났다. 이 금액은 국민 연금으로는 약 20에서 30퍼센트 정도만 채워지며 나머지는 401k 와 Roth IRAs 와 같은 다른 수단으로 채워져야 한다.


Slide 3 of 11: The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow. Yet, according to a survey by American Funds, nearly two-thirds of Gen X-ers are kept up at night thinking about financing their retirement, when the answer is right in front of them. "The best way to avoid the fear of retirement is to plan ahead and start saving early," says Todd Erkis, a professor of finance and risk management at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. "Deposit as much as is allowed into tax-advantaged retirement accounts, like 401(k)s, before considering any other retirement savings products, like an annuity."


자산 증식을 위해 일찍 부터 저축을 시작한다.

좀더 일찍 저축을 시작하면 그만큼 더 많은 돈이 모이게 마련이다. 경제 전문자들에 의하면 다른 저축 방법보다 401k 에 가능한 많은 금액을 모으는 것이 가장 큰 이득을 노후에 받을 수 있다고 말한다.


Slide 4 of 11: Byna Elliott, senior vice president at Fifth Third Bank advises taking full advantage of company-sponsored 401(k) plans and/or other retirement vehicles, "at least up to any company match." Schedule a meeting with your financial advisor, banker or retirement vehicle representative to discuss your plan contributions. "Talk to them about what you need to save to get the most of your retirement," Elliot says.


401K 금액을 가능한 최고치로 올려라.

매달 적어도 회사에서 맞춰주는 금액 까지는 최고로 넣는게 좋다.


Slide 5 of 11: It's important to rebalance your retirement portfolio (especially as you near retirement), so that your portfolio doesn't stray too far from its target, says Paul Jacobs, chief investment officer at Palisades Hudson Financial Group, in Atlanta. "Portfolios don't need to be frequently traded, but you should be rebalancing your portfolio at least once a year," Jacobs explains. "If stocks go up or down significantly during the year, this can create additional opportunities to rebalance. By buying when stocks drop, and selling when they appreciate, you'll be continually buying low and selling high, which should be the goal of any long-term investor."


매년 재정 상태를 점검 새로운 계획을 세운다.

현재의 재정 상태의 업 다운을 잘 살펴 재정 계획에 변화를 주는 것이 필요하다. 너무 무리가 가는 저축이나 혹은 재정 상황이 좋아졌을 경우는 조금 더 저축할 수 있다.


Slide 6 of 11: With marriages and businesses often taking unexpected turns, be sure to have a portion of your assets or savings separated for a rainy day or unexpected event, notes Lacey Manning, a retirement specialist at LTG Financial in Ocala, Fla. "Many individuals fall victim to these unforeseen events, but it's always nice to have financial security when you need it most," Manning says.


비상금을 비축해 놓는다.

만약의 사태에 대비해서 항상 비상금을 따로 모아놓는 것이 필요하다. 생각 보다 많은 사람들이 예기치 못한 상황에 대비하지 못해 큰 재정적 위기에 놓이곤 한다.


Slide 7 of 11: Start planning for early retirement, even if you don't wind up leaving the workforce early, says Sarah M. Place, CEO of Place Trade Financial, in Raleigh-Durham, N.C. "Cut ten years off of your anticipated retirement date and save as much as possible towards that goal," Place states. "The idea is this - instead of thinking that you have 20-plus years to save, starting saving as if you had only ten years, and watch the money add up." Whether you choose to retire early or plan to work forever, having the option available is priceless, Place notes. "That's especially so in the event that you are forced to due to unforeseen circumstances such as health related issues, economic downturns, or company downsizing," she says.


조기 은퇴를 계획하라

실제로 조기 은퇴를 하지 않더라도 조기 정년하는 것으로 마음을 먹고 저축하는 것이 좋다. 저축할 시간이 그만큼 적다고 생각하면 더 많이 모을 수 있기 때문이다.


Slide 9 of 11: Don't wait until you're 61 to start planning for when you will take Social Security payments, says Mike Pruitt, a money manager at MBE Wealth Management, LLC, in Madison, Wis. "I see many clients that are forced to draw early from Social Security, when if we had met ten years earlier, we could have devised a plan that actually allowed them to draw later while their Social Security amount grew in deferral," he says. Pruitt recommends starting to plan for Social Security payments when you turn 50. "This gives you ample time to work with a qualified retirement income planner to construct a Social Security strategy that takes your other assets into consideration and potentially provide a higher Social Security benefit for the long term," he says.


소셜 시큐리티를 제대로 계획하자

소설 시큐리티를 미리 사용하는 것을 막으려면 50새가 되면서 부터는 자산 전문가를 찾아 계획을 세우는 것이 좋다.


Slide 10 of 11: Many people view retirement as a time to become much more conservative with their savings, says Craig Bartlett, division consulting manager with U.S. Bancorp Wealth Management. "While this may be the appropriate decision don't forget about the effects of inflation on your nest egg, Bartlett says. "Retirees are living longer than ever and it may make sense to dedicate a portion of your retirement savings to vehicles that have historically outpaced inflation."


물가 인상에 주의한다

은퇴 시기가 되면 소비에 민감해 지기 마련이다. 특히 인상된 물가때문에 은퇴한 사람들의 주머니 사정에는 더욱더 부담이 되기 마련이다. 좋은 소식은 정년 펀드를 미리 계획해 놓으면 그 펀드에도 물가 인상이 반영된다는 사실이다.


Slide 11 of 11: Health care is the topic of our times, and it is an important consideration in retirement, Bartlett adds. "You should be aware of issues that can arise and plan for how you might address them," Bartlett says. "One topic that many people fail to consider is that Medicare availability does not begin until age 65. If you plan on retiring at age 65 and you have a younger spouse you are going to need to make certain that you have thought about how you will manage your healthcare until the younger partner turns 65."


의료 보험을 준비한다

메디 케어의 적용을 받으려면 65세가 되어야 한다. 만약 65세 이전에 은퇴를 계획하고 있거나 혹은 65세에 은퇴를 하더라도 배우자가 65세 미만일 경우 배우자를 커버할 수 있는 의료보험의 준비가 필요하다.



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한국 여름방학 캠프/학원 추천 부탁드려요. (1)

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웹사이트 제작/ 컴퓨터 문제해결/ 유튜브 영상제작/ 프로 사진촬영

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