종합의료 Q&A

My left arm's so sore. Please help!!

2009-11-15 22:11
hello, Dr. Kim.

(Sorry that I cannot type in korean.)

I've been having theses symptoms in my left arm too. It's very similar to the ones the lady(below my article.)'s complaining about. It's been almost 2months since the first nerve pinching in my left hand. Now the pinching's gone but my whole left arm's very sore and my left leg feels very weak sometimes little pain in my ankle. Funny thing is sometimes i have a hard time breathing like something's going on with my heart at the same time. I've been very very tired for no good reason, often wake up in the morning with swollen eyes,( dry eyes during the day) and this sore arm thing makes me feel very depressed and worried. I don't have any pain in my neck though. I'd be happay if it's just neck related problems but I've heard about fibromyalgia or even lupus. Should I go for blood test?  I'll wait for your opinion(in korean,please). thank you, Dr. Kim. Have a nice day.
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번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회

비밀글 피부에 두드러기가,,

Kim | 2009.11.22 | 추천 0 | 조회 2
Kim 2009.11.22 0 2

keloid 때문에 문의요

Kim | 2009.11.22 | 추천 7 | 조회 1308
Kim 2009.11.22 7 1308

비밀글 질문있습니다: )

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.17 | 추천 0 | 조회 3
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.17 0 3

My left arm's so sore. Please help!!

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.17 | 추천 6 | 조회 1252
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.17 6 1252

비밀글 질문있습니다: )

3512 | 2009.11.16 | 추천 0 | 조회 3
3512 2009.11.16 0 3

My left arm's so sore. Please help!!

sunset | 2009.11.15 | 추천 6 | 조회 1324
sunset 2009.11.15 6 1324

임신 초기 4-6주

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.15 | 추천 5 | 조회 1569
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.15 5 1569

왼쪽 몸에만 이상한 증상이 있어요.

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.15 | 추천 5 | 조회 1949
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.15 5 1949

콩다래끼가 났는데요..

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.15 | 추천 5 | 조회 1343
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.15 5 1343

아이가 아파요 닥터를 찾습니다.

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.11.15 | 추천 3 | 조회 1289
Casey Kim, MD 2009.11.15 3 1289

왼쪽 몸에만 이상한 증상이 있어요.

SOY | 2009.11.14 | 추천 4 | 조회 1583
SOY 2009.11.14 4 1583

콩다래끼가 났는데요..

다래끼 | 2009.11.09 | 추천 6 | 조회 1658
다래끼 2009.11.09 6 1658

임신 초기 4-6주

cindy1210 | 2009.11.06 | 추천 6 | 조회 1377
cindy1210 2009.11.06 6 1377

비밀글 신종플루

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.10.31 | 추천 0 | 조회 3
Casey Kim, MD 2009.10.31 0 3

아이가 아파요 닥터를 찾습니다.

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.10.31 | 추천 1 | 조회 1213
Casey Kim, MD 2009.10.31 1 1213

비밀글 신종플루

IF | 2009.10.30 | 추천 0 | 조회 1
IF 2009.10.30 0 1

아이가 아파요 닥터를 찾습니다.

써니 엄마 | 2009.10.30 | 추천 2 | 조회 1262
써니 엄마 2009.10.30 2 1262

비밀글 피임주사와 다이어트~

Casey Kim, MD | 2009.10.25 | 추천 0 | 조회 2
Casey Kim, MD 2009.10.25 0 2


Casey Kim, MD | 2009.10.25 | 추천 0 | 조회 1298
Casey Kim, MD 2009.10.25 0 1298

비밀글 피임주사와 다이어트~

비만녀 | 2009.10.21 | 추천 0 | 조회 2
비만녀 2009.10.21 0 2