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영오션과 함께 하는 두 마리 토끼를 다 잡는 법!

Sell - 판매하기
2023-02-02 21:15


고민 끝! 싱싱 해산물과 프리미엄 양념육! 


2023 “계묘년” 검은 토끼띠 해를 맞아 해산물과 고기 사이에서 고민하는 분들! 맛과 영양을 고민하는 분들! 께 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡을 수 있는 설 선물세트를 기획했다" 며 “이번 선물세트는 높이 치솟는 물가로 가계 부담을 줄일 수 있는 합리적인 가격의 가성비 제품으로, $200불 상당의 총 8가지의 제품을 담아 일명 “팔복 선물세트”로 준비하였다고 한다. 구성으로는 킹크랩 다리 3LB (+/-), 사시미용 가리비 관자 1.1LB, 랍스터 꼬리 1 EA, 사카이 연어 필레 1.5LB (+/-), 노르웨이 연어 스테이크 3LB (+/-), 양념 와규 불고기 1LB, 양념 LA 갈비 1LB, 양념 돼지불고기 1LB로 그야말로 알찬 상품으로 선보인다”라고 말했다.


이번에도 역시 한정 판매로 준비된 수량이 조기 품절이 될 수 있다" 며 고민하지 말고 youngocean.com으로 접속해 “서둘러 구매하여야 한다"라고 전했다. 또한 선물세트 하나만 구입해도 무료 문 앞 배송 서비스까지 받을 수 있으니 두 마리의 토끼를 잡을 수 있는 기회를 꼭 잡으시길 바란다" 라며 말했다. 


지혜와 풍요의 상징인 토끼 기운이 가득한 한 해의 시작으로, 영오션이 드리는 풍성한 혜택을 통해 계묘년 첫 명절을 건강하고 알차게 준비해 보시길 바란다"라고 전했다.



전체 1

  • 2023-05-10 08:57

    the symptoms of sinners have is being shy, embarrassing, afraid, scary but when we being shy, embarrassed, scared.. around God after we die called after life, the shyness are way too strong that we can handle when God is around us and will burn our souls away because shyness feeling are way too strong because God is too clean for us to be around.
    We have to make our selves fire forever because our sin will burn right away from being too powerful embarrassed feeling and it’s way too strong enough and will burn up the souls when super clean light that never sinned that comes from God is shine at sinners and it will be like I am feeling burning from being way too powerful shy that is receiving from %100 never sinned ever before will cause to getting burn up the souls because it’s dirty so clean could not go through our souls so it will burning up our sins and it creates fire that never die because of souls don’t die and it’s called hell in the Bible.
    it is not against human normal shy or scary… sinners symptoms since we have the sin and that is why Bible said, in hell it’s way too hot.
    sinners can’t be around God even God does not do anything to us, we just have to go hell from our sin and that is why God had to sent Jesus to this world and take our sin away by going through him and cleaning the dirty souls to clean souls so our souls wouldn’t burn up when never sinned clean light shines at us.
    Jesus had to made the way that we don’t have to die from our sin if we follow Jesus and go through his way that Jesus had to made to save us by coming to this world and create the method that soul to be clean so we don’t have to die anymore because we can’t not directly contact God cause our souls are too dirty, when God have to go through the dirty souls and it will burn up all the dirtiness souls because creator have to go though the any existence souls no matter what it’s like when our mother birth a baby and that baby have to go through parents till grow up so when we die we have to go through father of all the souls of Creator of all existence and it’s called Almighty God (God doesn’t have sex like human so God has both man + woman sex and + …. More That human can not even think in human mind because God made us that we are limited For only this world can handle not the other dimensions)
    When God has to go through our souls after we died ( after we die and it accumulate into soul like it converts from body to soul like when we plant a seed on the ground and it accumulate kind of theory)
    Our soul will have to burn up if not clean enough to when God has to go through the soul and it causes to heating up the dirtiness and it gets super hot and creates fires so Bible called hell.
    Bible doesn’t lies anything in the Bible is so true but Satan always try take away the people’s believes system if people not interesting the Truth. God know everything
    Luke 12:7
    But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
    Jesus came to this world to destroy authority of death that devil have so people don’t have to die if we go through Jesus and get Clean.

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